
Thursday, December 23, 2010

Hangout With Friends :)

Salam . . .

Hyehye readers :) Seriously , today is one of the best day on this holiday ! Ouhh yess , I had a hangout with my old friends . I mean that they are my friend when I was in primary school ;)

Well , my friend say it is a reunion . But , prefer to call it hangout ! Why ? I don't know . Maybe it doesn't seem like a reunion at all ;) . The place ? Just at the Bandar Kota Tinggi laa . Hehe .
There is ONLY six cute girls including me that was coming ;) . The rest of my old friends ? Well , I don't know why did they not came . Pluss , ONE boy or man ? hehe . Oke laa , sebenarnya yang mamat sorang ni laa yang beria-ia nak organize benda ni . Sebab dia kata nak jumpa kengkawan lama . Lama laa kan tak jumpa . *er , dia pindah masa darjah dua . Kesian gilaa dia dah laa sorang je lelaki . Huhu . Nasib baik laa tiba-tiba aje dua mamat lain yang tak diundang join kitorang . Ade laa jugak dia nak kawan . *winkwink*

Kengkawan aku yang join iena , ika , afiqah , diyana dan nadia . Er , aku tao yang korang tak kenal . Tapi sesaje je nak inform . Hehe . Yang lelaki tuh pulakk afiq atau nama panggilannya apek ;))

Aktiviti kitorang macam biasa laa kodd mcm hangout yang laen , makan-makan , tukar-tukar cerita masa dah nak balikk tuh kitorang melalak jap kat bigbox ! Hehe . Thanx laa kat kao apek sebab belanja . hehe . RM25 tuh wei ! Banyak tao ! Sayangg kao apek ! Haha . Sebagai kawan jea laa ;) Tapii tak puas jugakk laa kodd sebab satu jam aje . Tapi tak apelah memadai kan . Yang penting release tension sebab dapat jerit kuat-kuat . Kalau kat rumah tak dapat . Haha !

This are some pic from the hangout ;)

at the mcd

Thanks for reading ;)

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