
Sunday, December 12, 2010

Lagii Award


Aku dapat award lagii Cheer Hehe . Ini pulak daripada Kak A.K. yang baek hatii yang sudi buadd award untuk semua followernya . Hehe . Thanx akak !loveterbang

Ni award yang first :Dia ada bagi tagg jugak tao . Jom baca samesame :

oneDo you like my blog? :)

Yeah ! Of course la . :)

What do you think about my blog?

Well , you blog is simple but nice

tigaWhat do you want to say to me?

Hmmm . . . thanx for giving the awards ! hehe .

fourTag this to your 3 friends and tell them in their shoutbox! ;)

Huh ? Tak taolah nak tag sape . Sape yang nak award ni amek jea laa .

Oke . Ni pulak second award . Hehe . Tamakk sunggoh kan aku ni nak amek banyak-banyak .

Ada tagg jugak tao . Ni diaa :

satuIs this the first time you are here? :)

Dah bertime-time dah akak . :)

duaDo you like my blog?

Yaay ! Yeah ! I like it

tigaWill you follow my blog?

Dah follow daah .

empatTag this to your 3 friends and tell them in their shoutbox!

Sape nak amek . Amek jea laa ea . Hehe . Ta tao nak tagg sape

Thanks for reading ;)

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