
Thursday, December 16, 2010

New !


*Wink* :pandacloud_01: Eh eh , do you see what is new on my blog ? Ouhh , yess ! I have changed the look of this blog ! Hehe . I don't know whether you love this more or you love the old look more . But , I think I love this more .

From the above , I changed into this . . . Tadaa !

I have changes the font of the title of the post . It is called Monsters Paparazzi . What a weirdo name huh ? It takes almost a few hours for me to make a dress-up for this blogg . What a very long time . So tired . I sweat too ! you know ! Hmm ... okay , I lie ! hehe .
trying to write post in english ;)

Thanks for reading ;)

2 Marvellous Comment(s):

zulhaq said...

Reeen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..gempak giller...,
best giller awknyer blog!!....,so...
ceria sgt...,hahahah...

Ryn said...

hehe . thanx fikry .

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