
Friday, December 17, 2010

He's Beautiful

Salam . . .

I am very sure by looking to the title of this post some you *err. . . I think know what I will story to you ;) . Okeoke , You are right ! It is about a korean drama that curently be aired on the 8tv every Monday-Friday on 8:30 pm .

this is the poster :)

Hehe . Ni nak taip dalam bm pulak ea . Act , cerita ni dah lama dah ditayangkan dan dah habis pun ditayangkan dekat Korea . Tak silap aku awal tahun ni . *betulkan aku kalau salah . Cerita ni lah yang aku nak gila tengok ! Tapi tak kesampaian sebabnya :

one nak tengok dekat internet , tapi internet ni lembab sikit ! mahunya bertahun aku nak tunggu semua episod ku habis tengok . haha !

twoerr ... nak beli cd , tapi , faham-faham je laa . pelajar macam aku ni mestilah mestilah nak beli barang lagi penting daripada cd tuh , ye tak ?

threekalau nak tengok dekat kbs lagi laa tak bole . aku ni bukannya ada kat rumah pun masa cerita tuh ditayangkan

Jadi tulah segala sebab-musababnya kenapa aku tak dapat nak tengok cerita ni dari dulu lagi . Tapi apapun , nasib baik laa 8tv tayangkan cerita ni time cuti sekolah ni . hehe . dapatlah aku tengok sikit-sikit walaupun aku rasa tak dapat tengok sampai last episode . err . . rasanya last episde masa aku ade dekat asrama nati . I love you 8tv ! Muahhh ! rasa macam nak peluk-peluk . Nasib baik bukan orang . Hehe

Hmm . . . ni sinopsis cerita tuh . Copy paste dari internet saje .

Go Mi Nyu is a sister-in-training. Her twin brother Go Mi Nam successfully auditions for the musical band A.N.JELL but is forced to leave for the United States to correct a botched plastic surgery. Mi Nyu is approached by Mi Nam's manager to pose as Mi Nam while he recovers. She is against it at first but agrees in order to fulfill her dream of finding their mother. Now, posing as Mi Nam, Mi Nyu enters the group A.N.JELL and meets its members: Hwang Tae Kyung, Kang Shin Woo and Jeremy. Tae Kyung and Mi Nam have a rough start as band members. In the very first episode, Kang Shin Woo discovers that Mi Nam is a girl, but he keeps quiet because he is curious about what might happen. He discreetly helps her keep the secret and nobody realizes that he knows her true gender. Soon after that, due to an incident, Tae Kyung also discovers that Mi Nam is a girl, and confronts her about it. He actively takes on the responsibility of protecting her real identity from others (partly due to Mi Nam's manager begging him), which brings him and Mi Nam closer together. From here a love story starts...

Seriously ! Cerita ni best gylaa ! Pluss ... pelakonnya handsome . Biasa laa perempuan . Tak kan tak terpikat dengan lelaki handsome kodd . Watak yang paling aku suka , Jeremy yang Lee Hong Ki berlakon . Kelaka gila ! Dah laa dia comel !

Dah , tak nak cerita banyak lagi . Penat dah aku taip ni . hehe . Apa-apa hal korang tengok laa ea cerita ni

Thanks for reading ;)

2 Marvellous Comment(s):

zulhaq said...

ryn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!......ala...kesiannya x dpt tgk smpai abis ya??!..
ko xnk soh aq belikan ker..,tp kalo aq bwk ker kmpung sana ..nty bayar..,mmg lah byk agy brg lain lebih..diperlukan..,tp..,CD..dieh kat sini ader jual..,laah..,harga bawah..RM20..
tp..DVD..rumah awk tuuh ader x??...kalow ader..,boleh..,kiteorg slalu beli2...
cd korea kat today's tmpat aq..,dieh mmg ader byk jual citer korea...jepun and taiwan..,nk x???
..kalo nk mggu dpn aq boleh bwkkan ker kmpung..,jgn lupe byr ..yea...,ituuh pun kalo nk laah..,

Ryn said...

ade dvd . minggu dpn ea ?
er . . ta tao laa ade kat umh ke tak

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