
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Tag ! From Kak Lyna

Salam . . .

Hehe . Aku sudah kena tag ! Kali ni daripada Kak Lyna . Saja jea kali ni nak dera ni nak suruh jawab banyak-banyak . Hehe .

Starting Time : tigaduapuluhminitpetang

Name : Nursabrina
Brother(s) : ada ada . dua orang saje .
Eye colour : Brown
Shoe Size : 4 , 5 *psst... i am small :)
Hair : hitam berkilatt :)
Piercings : duhh ! tak minat laa benda macam ni
What are you wearing right now? : Tshirt oren + tracksuit hitam
Where do you live? : Atas tanah laa . haha .
Favourite number : 14 . :)
Favourite Drink : Air masak .
Favourite Breakfast : Nasi Lemak

Have I Ever???

Broke a bone: tak pernah
Been in a police car: tengok saje pernah laa
Fallen for a guy/girl in a short period of time : Of course laa . Hehe
Swam in the ocean : Mandi-manda saje laa .
Fallen asleep in school : Ini hobi , tawukk !
Broken someone's heart : I think . . . someone
Cried when someone died : Ouhh , yess ! My late grandmother *al-fatihah
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call : Tak pernah . kerja gila ni . haha .
Save emails : Pernah
Been cheated on : Mesty laa pernah


Is your room like : err , mesti laa bentuk kuboid . tak kan laa sfera kodd .
What is right beside you : Chair !
What is the last thing you ate : Nasi + Asam pedas


Did you last yell at : My brother . haha :)
What did you do today : Tengok TV , Makan , Online , Tido
Are you the oldest : Ouh yess !
Indoors or Outdoors : Huh ?

Today you did

Talk to someone : Ayah , Adik , Atukk
Kiss anyone : Tak de laa
Sing : Ini mesti laa
Talk to an ex : Tak ade .
Miss someone : Yup !
Eat : Ni mesty laa !

Last person

You talked to on the phone : Ibu sayaa !
Made you cry : Huh ? Tak ingat . haha
You went to the mall with : Family !
Who cheered you up : Family jugakk laa .

Have you???

Been to Mexico : no no .
Been to USA : ehh , singapore pon tak lepas lagii tao !


Have a crush on someone : Ouh , yess
What book are you reading right now : Dear Yayah . buadd kali keberapa entah ,
Best Feelings in the world : To be with the person you love and loves you laa
Future Kids Name : Ta pikir lagii
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal : Tak de laa .
What is under your bed : Lantai ? hehe.
Favourite sport(S) : Badminton + Basketball + Futsal
Favourite Place : My Home !
What do you really hate : Hypocrites .
Do you have a job : err , tukang tido ?
What time is it now : tigatigapuluhminitpetang

Uishh . berpeluh jawab soalan ni . Macam lari maraton . Hehe . Ok , aku tipu . haha . Ehh , sebenarnya ni kene tagg orang . tapi as usual laa , aku malas ni nak tag-tag . sape nak amek jea laa ea . hehe .

Thanks for reading ;)

2 Marvellous Comment(s):

Leena said...

tukang tido eayh ?
gaji banyak ke?
nak join jugak!

Ryn said...

tak de gaji . tapi faedahnya banyak ! hehe .

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